Sunday 26 February 2012

Doing Good Deeds

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 
 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful 

 The Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “A believer never gets satisfied doing good until he reaches Jannah.”      


 According to this hadith, it is a quality of a Muslim that he or she is very concerned about acquiring virtues and doing good, and never tires of struggling for and living by virtuous deeds. This is because “a believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain which, he is afraid, may fall on him; whereas the wicked person considers his sins as flies passing over his nose and he just drives them away like this.

 Abu Shihab (the sub-narrator of this statement of Abdullah ibn Masud’s) moved his hand over his nose in illustration.” [Sahih Bukhari]

High achieving students never stop studying because they never feel satisfied that what they know is sufficient. They don’t limit themselves to the bare minimum amount of knowledge needed to pass. One who does so is in danger of failing. Even when they are well prepared they feel that they could know more, or that they might make a mistake which they would have to compensate for with something else. Another reason that high achieving students keep on studying is because of their love for learning.

Source: Daily Hadith


                                    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

Menurut Imam Ghazali, 'IKHLAS' itu ada 3 tahap iaitu:

i. Tahap hamba - Kita buat sesuatu kerana kita takut Allah

ii. Tahap pedagang - Kita buat sesuatu kerana pahala

iii. Tahap kekasih - Kita buat atas dasar seorang kekasih
                              kerana kita cintakan Allah

Antara tahap-tahap di atas, tahap kekasih adalah tahap yang paling tinggi antara semua sebab kita sayangkan hubungan kita dengan Allah. 

Jadi, di tahap manakah keikhlasan kita dalam menunaikan perintah Allah? 

Jawapannya terletak di atas pilihan kita sendiri kerana setiap tahap itu ada kesannya yg tersendiri terhadap diri kita

Sekiranya kita memilih:

i. Tahap hamba - Kita akan berasa penat dlm melakukan  

ii. Tahap pedagang -  Kita akan berasa ibadah yg kita
                                  lakukan itu sudah mencukupi, walhal
                                  ibadah-ibadah sunnah yg lain perlu

iii. Tahap kekasih - Kita tidak akan berasa penat dan jemu
                             untuk mendekatkan diri kpd Allah kerana
                             perasan cinta kita kepada Allah sgt
                             mendalam. Tahap ini boleh dikaitkan dgn
                             kemanisan iman

Jadi, "tepuklah dada, tanya iman" ^__^

"Ikhlas itu satu rahsia daripada rahsia-rahsia aku. Aku letakkan dalam hati hamba aku yg terbersih" 
- Hadis Qudsi

Monday 6 February 2012

Actions are judged by Intentions

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful

Imam Nawawi’s Arba`in [1]

The above hadith is considered one the “Pivots-of-Islam Hadith” (al hadith al lati `alayha madar al islam) as stated by Imam Nawawi in his Bustan Al `Arifin. This is because it relates to ones outward actions and makes clear that the acceptance of these outward actions are intrinsically related to ones intentions.
Both Imam Shafi`i and Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal stated that this hadith conveyed a third of the knowledge of the religion. This is mainly because the religion is a combination (majmu’a) of three things, as Imam Badr Al Din `Ayni stated in his Umdat Al Qari, which are:

قول و فعل و نية

“Sayings, Actions and Intention.”

This can be interpreted, thus, as:
[1] The tongue
[2] The various body parts such as hands, feet and so forth.
[3] The heart
Since the intention is connected to the heart this hadith was given the title of “A third of Islam” as Ibn Daqiq al `Id and Imam Nawawi stated in their respected commentaries:

قال الشافعي وآخرون : هو ثلث الإسلام

Imam Bayhaqi further stated, as narrated in the Mirqat, that the intention is actually the “first of the three”, meaning, that it takes precedence over sayings and actions due to the reason outlined previously i.e. all outward actions are only accepted based on intentions. This precedence is also supported in the hadith narrated by Ibn Hajar Haythami in his Majma’ al Zawa’id (Bab niyyat al mu’min wa ‘amal al munafiq) from Sahl ibn Sa`d:

ية المؤمن خير من عمله

“The intention of a believe is better then his action.”

Let's purify our intentions in every actions.


Do Not Reciprocate

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful

Sunday 5 February 2012

Pemimpin jangan mementingkan diri sendiri

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful


1. Setiap tanggungjawab yang telah ditugaskan kepada seseorang hendaklah dilaksanakan sebaik-baiknya.

2. Apabila terdapat dikalangan pemimpin yang menyeleweng daripada garis kebenaran, sebagai rakyat mreka hendaklah berusaha menegur supaya pemimpin tersebut kembali ke pangkal jalan disamping memohon doa kepada Allah S.W.T.

3. Adalah tidak wajar bagi rakyat atau orang bawahan terus menunjukkan sikap penentangan tanpa mengemukakan sebarang pandangan, teguran dan fikiran yang berfaedah terlebih dahulu.

4. Semua pihak hendaklah sentiasa berusaha supaya jurang pemisah antara pemerintah dan rakyat sentiasa harmoni, tidak berlaku sebarang keretakan dan kekurangan.

Sumber: Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia

Thursday 2 February 2012

A Muslim's Prison

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

In the name of Allah, the most Gracious the most Merciful

"Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini melainkan senda gurau dan main-main. Dan sesungguhnya akhirat itulah yang sebenarnya kehidupan, kalau mereka mengetahui."
   (Al-Ankabut: 64)

"Apakah kamu mengira bahawa kamu akan masuk syurga, padahal belum datang kepadamu (cubaan) sebagaimana halnya orang-orang yang terdahulu sebelum kamu?" 
 (Al-Baqarah: 214)